Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010

Mbah Maridjan dan Masjid itu

Mengagetkan bencana Merapi yang tiba-tiba muncul meledak di pukul 18.00 tanggal 26 oktober 2010..yang lebih mengagetkan lagi,ternyata mbah Maridjan tetep setia menunggu Gunung Merapi itu..mengapa mbah begitu..keesokan harinya ada berita dia meninggal..ikut berduka cita mbah..innalillahi wa inailaihi rojiun..semoga amal ibadahnya di terima Allah..meninggal dalam keadaan bersujud didapur..terkena awan panas.
Masih teringat sejuknya hawa cangkringan, kalikuning,bebeng,kaliadem,kinahrejo..2bulan terasa begitu indah tinggal disana, adik2 tercinta..moga kalian dilindungi.
Masih terasa angin dan jatuhnya daun cemara dijalan2 yang dinaungi pohon rindang.
Masih teringat jelas, hijaunya tempat itu, masjid itu, saat aq solat ashar disana..nice moment..nice place..tertutup debu abu.
Selamat jalan mbah Maridjan,
Semoga masjid itu diperbaiki..
Selamat jalan kenangan manisku.

Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

How to handle a broken heart?

Let me introduce my self..I am new in the  blogger’s world.. please give apologize if I make a mistake when I write/do something wrong in my blog, but I try do the best to minimalize  my incorrect behavior.
My first blog I will write about story how to get ur feed back on the ground after broken heart.
First love is so difficult to forget. I known him when I still childhood,  I falling in love with him when I’m still in senior high school, in Javanese people said that,  ” love because was used together” or in Javanese language, “ tresno jalaran soko kulino”.
But, in my family, my father always give me advice that he allow me have a boyfriend after I finish my study in college and have a job.
I don’t know but he came closer to me when I get a job in one of research institute at my university. But when I decided to resign from there, my boyfriend left me with other girl.
Mario Teguh said in Golden ways, first love just like a first first what we do, like when we first time learned driving bicycle, we fallen more twice..first not always good, first usually bad. So forget it, and give thanks to our Lord that giving us a Mr. Right in the right time…Thanks God I find him a new men with the light in his eyes.
But I have a personal tips from my experience, how to handle broken heart and get back:
  1. Believes Your God have prepared someone to be your destiny and keep pray, “dzikir”. Give your soul a nutrition.
  2. Just cry if you wanna cry..menangislah itu bukan dosa, nyang penting lega.
  3. Just enjoy your life, your study, your friendship with your friends, your work, life is good and wonderfull
  4. Take a travel to get refreshing your mind, to mountain, to beach, like at  “eat,pray,love” film.
  5. Believes you will find somebody new that can make you happier
  6. Don’t keep your angry with the ex. Guy, let him disappear by time, in bahasa, ikhlaskan saja, jangan dendam, karena dendam hanya akan menjadikan kita dalam lingkar kegelapan yang berulang ulang…
  7. Take a time with your family
  8. Buy  thing (like new clothes, new shoes, new notebook) that you want, broken heart is expensive, hahahaha
  9. Flirting – Flirting lagi, hahahaha

I think enough, maybe you have a new tips, nice can share with everyone.